Monday 8 June 2015

Things are getting technical.....

Hi guys,
So I said I wouldn't have any proper posts until this weekend or sometime late this week, but hey, I couldn't help myself :P
So gradually getting through the Leaving Cert 6 down as of today and only 4 more to go - Hoozah! :D
So as the post title suggests things have been getting quite technical here. I know I only just started this blog like two days ago but sure might as well just go full force and full steam ahead:P So at this point It's a Rosy World is now connected to a few of all of our favourite social media sites :D #technotimes You can find us here on the actual blog  (obviously :P ), we now have a Facebook page which I hope you'll kindly give a 'like' to ;) (sad times right now - still have zero likes :P ), I have also connected the blog to my own Twitter account, so hopefully this might inspire me to use it a bit more :) At the moment it seems only to get love from my Instagram account and this week because I love reading the tweets about to Leaving Cert XD Also, speaking of Instagram I have also linked It's a Rosy World to my IG #hashtag #instagram #love XP  Oh! Not forgetting I have also linked the blog to my Pinterest account :) #pinneraddict
So you can find the links to all of these just here to the right hand side of the blog so if you fancy taking a look at some of them they are easy access :) Would love for ye to take a look and I also wouldn't mind a follow or like here or there :P
Anyways I think that's loads for now, just wanted to give ye a quick progress report on how we are getting along :)
As I have said so many times by now I shall HOPEFULLY have a PROPER post for ye by the end of the week explaining myself and a bit about the blog :D
Chat soon........ X

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