Thursday, 6 August 2015

Just another day :)

Hey guys,

Well can you believe that's Thursday over and done with for another week!? The weather seemed to be so much better today than yesterday. Typical. The day I don't put a foot outside the door and it's lovely. Yesterday when I was making my way around it was pouring. Hhhmmmmm. Anyway, I hope everyone had a good day :)

I had an alright day, pretty busy. I was up at half ten to watch the babies for my sister as she had to go to an appointment. So my babysitting duties started early. We got on grand for the hour that she was gone, thankfully :) The TV is am amazing thing, isn't it? :P When she cam home it was lunch time for the little ones and then it was our turn to eat and watch some Home and Away when they went for their naps :D

I got an hour and a bit all to myself later in the afternoon as my sis and the babies were going out to her friends. I had a few bits to do around the house for her before I could relax. When sat down I was trying to focus on my social media but I had Say Yes to the Dress on the tele in the background, and let's just say, it definitely had more of my attention than either Facebook or Twitter did :P

However, despite the major distraction I did get some stuff done :) When my sis got back she only had a few minutes to feed my niece before she had to go out again to collect my other sister. My sister is going away for the rest of the week to two weddings so we are here to look after the children :) 

I am here for the whole time, my other sis is here until tomorrow evening and my mom is coming down tomorrow evening when she finishes work and she'll be here with me until the wedding go-ers return :) Needless to say, I have a busy few days ahead of me :P

Well after dinner it was all go as my sister had to get ready to go. They got going grand and the babies were fine. The two went down to bed grand after half eight so hopefully they'll remain peaceful for the night :) :P 

Obviously, I have no real plans for tomorrow bar babysitting so I wouldn't expect too much excitement for me :P I imagine I'll be up early with my niece so I suppose I better get moving and ready for bed :) I hope you all have a good night and sleep well :) Night :*

Kate! Xx

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