Ugh it's good to be back! :D I have to say, I have really missed being here over the last few days and I'm so glad to be back now :) Oh exciting stuff :P Hahaha gosh I'm sad really amn't I? XD Ah but sure tis all good fun isn't it :P So now, well I barely remember when I last posted so beware, this is looking to become a long one :P
So my last post was last Thursday so yup I have a good bit to fill you all in on :P Well, Friday was another day of babysitting, first day with parents. Well I was in charge of my niece who is the youngest of the two and so the two of us were up early at half seven. We got up and I changed her and I gave her her breakfast and the a bottle and then by the time I'd managed to do all that it was nine o' clock so it was time to put her down for another snooze so that was all grand :)
When it came to making her bottle I got a bit of a surprise when I opened the steriliser. So the night before my sister and I had loaded it up with bottles and stuff and we threw in one of my niece's teething ring things as I thought that it went into it for the night. However, as I came to find on Friday morning, you do not actually put them in the steriliser as they are made of plastic :P This unfortunately did not dawn on us the night before. When I opened the steriliser on Friday morning I was greeted by a pink blob of melted plastic XD The whole was just ruined and it had burst and everything so then we had to go and do the whole sterilising process all over again XP So ya, that was quite the blonde moment for sure :P
For the rest of the day everything else went grand and all their stuff survived and was not ruined :P The babies also survived, as did we :D My mom also arrived to us much earlier than we had expected as we thought she wouldn't be with us until around 6, however, she arrived at 2 instead so we had extra hands on deck, and she also came with cake :P
So later in the evening my mom brought my sister who had been babysitting with me to the bus as she had work back at home on Saturday so she had to go. My mom and I managed grand for the rest of the evening and the babies went down to bed grand, thankfully :) After that we just relaxed in front of the tele for a bit and watched our beloved Home and Away and then we decided to hit the hay :D
On Saturday morning my niece didn't wake until half eight so we got an extra hour in bed :D She also slept very well Friday night too as she only woke once around 1 looking for her dodie and then there wasn't a peep out of her again so I was very happy with her :D
We got up anyway and my mom got up with us and gave me a had with her morning routine :) Once the baba went back to bed for a snooze my nephew woke and then we got him all sorted out. Then the two of them were good for us for the rest of the afternoon. Shortly after four o' clock my sister and her husband arrived home. Now we were under the impression that they were going off to the afters of another wedding so we were still in babysitting mode. However, after a while we all came to realise that my sister had forgotten to tell us that they weren't going to the wedding that night an that they were home for good! Well, we all felt as stupid as each other :P Let it be know that communication is key people! :D
So anyways my brother-in-law had a football match that evening so my sister and my nephew went along to the match for awhile :) It was a bit chilly and breezy and my nephew did run out onto the pitch a few times during the match ( :O ) but we had a grand time, It all ended well anyways as my brother-in-laws team won :D When we got home my mom had my niece practically ready for bed. In no time at all it was time for the two babies to go to bed for the night. I was left in charge for a short while as my mom and sister went out for a walk and my brother-in-law had gone out.
While they were out I decided to have a party for myself and I had popcorn and coke and all sorts of goodies after that :D I wasn't holding back :P We all just watched TV for a while when they got back and sure then it was our own bedtime so we headed off. As my sister was home I had a baby-free night with no monitor to be constantly watching so I had a grand sleep and I slept until quarter twelve :D
My mom wanted to be on the road home fairly early as she had plans so I just got up and dresses and had my breakfast and then we headed for home around one o' clock time :) When we got home my mom was heading out to meet my aunt so I headed up to my room to unpack and chill. I brought my laptop up with me with the intention of working on here on It's a Rosy World, however, that did not happen. Being reunited with my laptop meant I was able to catch up on Facebook and stuff so the time went fairly quick, and I also started to watch the movie The Breakfast Club.
I didn't have time to watch the full thing as I needed to have food and then my mom and I headed to six o' clock mass. After mass I went with my dad for awhile and we just did some visiting :) When I got home I suggested to my mom that we got to Supermacs for some food, and so we did :D I hadn't eaten much during the day so I decided to be greed and have TWO plain burgers and a large chips and it was so worth it! :P We just chilled with the TV for the night and watched the only movie that was on the box which was The Queen, which was alright. As per usual I had a fairly late night, I suppose it was around two o' clock time :P
I was up this morning around eleven as I had to go to town to collect my new retainer that I went to the orthodontist for last week. It all went grand and the new retainer is grand :) At the moment it seems to be the best option as it will keep my teeth the way they are now, even though they have moved. However, maybe in a few years if I have saved enough I can get braces again and re-straighten them :) After I collected my retainer I just went to Boots to get some Vitamin C soluble tablets to take with my iron tablets. I then had a stroll around Penneys before getting the bus home again.
When I got home I set up my laptop as I wanted to finish watching The Breakfast Club, even though I wasn't really feeling it. I threw a wash on and had my lunch and then I finished the movie. I have to say I didn't really enjoy it. I know it's meant to be one of these classic movies but I just didn't really see the point in it :/ My mom had also text me and asked me to boil some bacon so I did that too :)
So for tomorrow I need to be up early as I have a driving lesson at quarter to eleven but I need to be up in good time as I have to wash my hair before I head out, ugh. After my lesson I might be meeting up with my cousin in town. Other than that I think that;s about as exciting as my day will be :) Of course I'm sure I'll be spending much of my time thinking about Wednesday as that's when I am getting my Leaving Certificate (final exams) results, but I'll talk more about that tomorrow evening :)
So now, I think we are all up to date once more :D It's good to be back and hopefully I can stay on track now! :) I hope everyone had a good weekend and that you all survived another Monday :P Well, I should really start getting ready to head up to bed now if I want to get some sleep in for tomorrow :P Night now and I shall chat to you all again tomorrow :) :*
Kate! Xx
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