Sunday 2 August 2015

Travel Day :)

Hi guys,

How are we today? Saturday, the weekend, at last :D I am absolutely wrecked after my busy week so I am dying to get to bed and have a good, long sleep in :D Ugh, my eyes are struggling to stay open as I even type this Zzz

Well I made it back home today :) I was up early this morning (half seven :O) getting myself ready and making sure I had all my stuff together and that I wasn't forgetting anything :P We left the house around ten to or five to nine and we were at the airport by quarter past nine :) When we got to the airport I checked in my suitcase and then my aunt walked me as far as security :) I got through security grand and just strolled around the few shops in the airport and then I sat myself down outside my departure gate. While I was passing the shops I spotted a cute, super soft pink little Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) teddy for £7.99. I decided that I would get it for my niece seeing as I hadn't gotten her anything :) They had a bigger one for only £9.99 but she's still quite small so I figured the small one would be best :D I also picked myself up a bottle of water and a packet of Fruit Pastilles :)

I was waiting at my gate for about 40 minutes before boarding started. My flight was at 11 so we were to be boarding at 10.35. At exactly that time they called all passengers who were in rows 1 to 10 to board first. Fortunately I was in seat 10A so I was one of people who got out first :P We set off shortly after 11. However,  the flight did not turn out to be as peaceful as I hoped it would. There was quite a few children on board the flight and that was grand, however, there was one child who did nothing but scream for pretty much the whole hour and twenty minute flight D: It was not fun. However, I got myself a cup of tea (they were out of hot chocolate - my preferred option :( ) and a short bread biscuit to help myself enjoy the trip :P

We landed in Dublin no bother at about 12.40. The plane was parked away from the terminals so we had to be bused to the terminal building. From there we walked through immigration and then on to baggage collection. When I got that far only one or two bags had come out so I decided to make a quick bathroom stop. Just as I was coming out of the toilets there was my bag right in front of me on the carousel,  which was so handy :D I just took it off and made my wait out into arrivals :)

From there I went to Terminal 1 as that;s where McDonalds is :P Unfortunately, there is no proper food places (well, good ones) in Terminal 2 so I had no choice but to head for Terminal 1. It was about ten past one when I got to McDonalds and I got myself some chips and what not :D I was kinda rushing at that point as my bus was meant to leaving at quarter to two and it was already twenty past one by the time I had gotten my food. So once I finished eating it was time for another quick pitstop and then I hurried myself out of the Terminal and over to the bus zone.

The bus was really busy and I think I got the last two seats together and that was near the back of the bus. Usually I prefer to sit near the front but on this occasion that was not an option. So I threw my laptop bag and my handbag on the seat beside me, put on my sunglasses (the weather was ssooo good in Dublin), got my earphones out and stuck on some music :) As it happens because the bus was so busy that it was decided that we wouldn't stop in Dublin City and so to keep with time schedule we didn't leave the airport until quarter past two.

The bus journey was grand and comfortable and I must say it felt quite quick for a near three hour treck. I was on a GoBus bus and their buses have sockets which is just like the best thing ever :D Thanks to those mighty inventions (and the WiFi) I was able to use my phone as much as I wanted without worrying about killing it for the journey :D I did sleep for most of the trip too though :P I had my neck rest so I was happy out :)

I got off the bus at half four and my momma collected me <3 Once I got home I dished out all the stuff in my suitcase that was for my mom to her and then I brought it upstairs and put everything away so I wouldn't end up living out of it :P After that, it was time to head to mass. When we got home we had some food and then both my mom and I relaxed in the sitting room for the evening :) We watched the childrens movie Paddington and it was so good, a really good laugh :D I would defo recommend it :P

Well look at that, it's ten to one already :O Believe it or night I started this post at like eight this evening but I was just too tired to focus, then we watched Paddington but sure here we are now all done, at last :P

I just had a few midnight snacks there so I think I'm pretty much all ready to head up to bed, I just have to overcome the technology ;P

Night now and I shall chat to ye later :*

Kate! Xx

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