Saturday 15 August 2015

Lazy Day / Evening Out :)

Hey guys,

Ah so here we are Friday night, officially the weekend, yay! :D I hope everyone had a good day :)

So today was another chill day for me :) Over the past few weeks I really haven't had many days where I've been able to have a good sleep-ins so in the last two days I've been making the most of it :P I also haven't had many of those days where you can just stay in bed for as long as you want, or in my case until my stomach insists that I get up :P Luckily, yesterday and today I have been able to sleep in until one o' clock and not get up until almost three :D

So yup, I had a really good sleep last night and I didn't wake properly until one o' clock. First thing I did was go on my phone and check all my social media; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, the lot really :P I then got chatting to a few of my friends and my cousin so I was really distracted. In the end it was my stomach that told me it was time to get up as I was getting really hungry :P

I got myself up anyways, had a shower and got dressed and what not. I was hoping to have a pj day but then I decided that I was going to go an ddo the shopping with me mom so I had to through some clothes on :P So then I had my breakfast, Rice Krispies are my fav at the moment, so I had a bowl of them. I then sorted the kitchen, put the dishes away and not what and I then I sat myself down to the TV :)

My mom was home shortly after four and we said we'd head out and do the shopping. However, when discussing what we were going to have for our dinner we decided that we would go out somewhere for our food. We considered going to a local restaurant, The Huntsman, which is where we would usually go on a Friday evening if we wanted food. But then after thinking about it we said we might take a trip to the G Hotel instead as we hadn't been there for dinner in years (well I hadn't anyway). So we looked at their dinner menu online to see if there was stuff there that we would like and there was so decided to head there :)

I had thrown on the top I was wearing the day before and my high waisted black jeans as I wanted to take a pic of it for my last blog post ( as I had forgotten to do so on the day. Seeing as we were going out for out dinner I decided I would change my top. I looked through my drawers and  I pulled out my maroon crop top and I was going to wear that but I was a bit unsure. I then looked in my wardrobe and I spotter a shirt/top that I have had for three years and I thought oohhh that could be really nice and chic. So I tried it on anyway with my high waisted black jeans and I showed it to my and we both agreed that it looked really nice, so I decided to go with that outfit along with my new ankle boot/shoes from Penneys :)

Once we sorted ourselves out we headed as far as the G. We wander through the different lounges and we decided to go for the cream 'Grand Salon' lounge, our usual spot it seems to be becoming :P We took a look at the menu and decided on our food. I chose to have the fish and chips and my mom went with the G burger. With out food we ordered water and I got a Virgin Mojito :D We were waiting a good few minutes for our food so we had a good chat :) When out food came it looked lovely and just how we ordered it (we had a asked for a few changes) so that was good. When we dug in our dinner was delicious and my drink was refreshing :D

After our dinner we were pretty full so we decided not to have proper dessert and instead my mom had an American coffee and I had a pot of Earl Grey Tea :) They were lovely for just after our dinner and we were able to relax with them. After awhile we finished our tea/coffee and decided that we had better go and do the shopping, even though we were almost to comfy to leave, and we had considered just heading home but we said we might as we go and get it done :P Dinner was my treat and overall it cost €41 which was alright :)

We left the G anyways after our lovely evening and then we headed to Dunnes Stores to do the shopping. We said we'd take a look upstairs in the clothes/home ware section before we got into the actual shopping. We looked around but we didn't see too much. We did see some four wheeler suitcases and took  a lot of interest in the. Two in particular appealed to me, one was on sale for €30 and it as blue and the other was €45 and it was purple. I inspected them both and came to the conclusion that overall the purple one seemed to be the more sturdier one and had a bigger capacity, however, I much preferred the blue one and the way it was inside but the handle on it just didn't seem like it was very strong :/

In the end I decided not to get either of them and to just think about it and sure I can always go back for a second look and get one then :) I don't really need a new suitcase but the one I currently have is really big and I noticed that when I was going on my holidays to Scotland earlier this summer that because it was so big that I was packing way too much than I needed even though the case didn't seem very full, yet I was almost over weight heading over. So my mom suggested that I get a slightly small bag that will be better suited to shorter holidays and that's why I was so interested in those suitcases at Dunnes :) Hopefully now the next time I see them I'll be able to get the best one :D

Anyways, after our look upstairs, we headed back down to the food and did our proper shopping. We ended up not getting too much as I will only be home for three or four more days before I'll be heading for Sligo again, so obviously we didn't need lots of food.

When we had our shopping finished we headed home and I changed straight into my pjs as it was almost nine o' clock :P For the rest of the evening/night we just watched a few different things on TV. My mom headed to bed then and I got my pics from today sorted and put some on IG and then I got started on this post :)

So ya, that was my slightly lazy day :P I'll be heading to bed now in the next few minutes because we have to be up around eight tomorrow morning as we are going to town. My mom and I are heading to get our hair done first and then we are going to have a look around some shops and then head for a late breakfast/lunch, most likely at our fav spot in town, McCambridges :)  I don't think we have any plans after all that but it's going to be a girly day anyway :D

Well night now and I hope everyone had a good day and has a lovely Saturday tomorrow :) Chat to you all tomorrow, hopefully :*

Kate! Xx

Friday 14 August 2015

A Busy Few Days :)

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been here for the last few days, I've been quite busy and tired. Well sure look it's practically Friday now at this stage, so yay for the weekend! :D I hope everyone has a been having a good week anyways :)

So last time I was here was Monday and I had been to town to collect my new retainer. So on Tuesday I had to be up early again. I was up at eight in the morning to get my hair washed and not what to be out the door for quarter past nine. Luckily I was fairly on time and when I left my house to head for the bus I met my neighbour and she offered me a lift tot he bus stop so that was really handy :) When I got to town I had a few minutes to wait before my second bus arrived so I headed into Penneys for a few minutes for a quick look around. After that I got my second bus to where I was going to have my driving lesson. When I got there I was half an hour early so I went into McDonalds to pass the time and I got a cup of tea €1.40 :) My lesson was at quarter to ten and it was for an hour.

My instructor was able to let me off in town when the lesson was over and that was perfect as I was meant to be meeting my cousin in town for half twelve. My cousin didn't arrive in town until one o' clock so I spent and hour wandering around Penneys (I honestly think that they must think that I'm like obsessed with them or something because I've been in there so many times this week :P) and I saw nothing that I hadn't seen before. However, I did discover all the amazing things they have in the home range! :D They have so many cool things for the house like little lights and stuff, which I really wanted a box off (only €4) but I told myself that I have no place for them and to avoid the temptation :P They also have really nice duvet cover sets which I also want one off :D

After floating around Penneys for sssoooo long I said I''d move on and so I headed down to New Look. I always find that New Look is a bit on the expensive side as you can always find similar clothes in Penneys for better prices, Anyways, I took a look through their sale rails and nothing was jumping out at me. I continued to just browse around and I spotted a really pretty, kinda fancy dress and I really liked it. I took a look at it and it was on sale for €15 down from €37 so I was like ok that's alright. I then saw that it was in a size 8 and even though I'm a size 6 it was so nice I said I would just try it on anyways. I tried it on and I really liked it and it fit fine :)

By the time I had tried the dress on it was time to head off and meet my cousin. When we met up I told her about the dress and I said I wanted to head back to New Look to look at it again to see if I really wanted it. So we went back and she took a look around and found some stuff she wanted to try so luckily the dress was still there and so I tried it on again and I decided that for the price that it was and as nice that it was that I would just go ahead and get it :D

When we finished there I was starting as I hadn't eaten since my breakfast. We headed to a little cafe called Cupán Tae but it was too busy so we had to go somewhere else. We decided to go to Griffins Bakery for our lunch in the end after much debate. We ordered a pot of Earl Grey tea to share and then I ordered pancakes with Nutella and my cousin order a bagel with cream cheese and bacon. Unfortunately, our lunch was disappointing :/ When my pancakes came they were not what we expected. All I got was two really thin pancakes and a tub of Nutella. I expected some nice decent pancakes drizzled with a chocolate sauce or something so I wasn't too impressed. As for my cousin, well her bagel came without the bacon so we sent it back. There was no sign of the bagel after almost fifteen minutes so in the end we told the staff and cancelled the order and just got up, paid our bill (which was almost €10) and left. We were very unhappy to say the least...

After our disappointing lunch we headed to Penneys for another look around. During my previous visit I spotted a really nice pair of shoes that I quite liked. I was really unsure of them however. When I tried them on there seemed very pointy which I didn't like so I put them back. I tried on another few tops and stuff but nothing really jumped out at me. We strolled around for another while and then as my cousin hadn't gotten any proper food at lunch we decided to go to Cafe Express. She finally got her bagel with bacon and she said it was really good.

When she finished her late lunch it was almost five o' clock so it was time to be heading to meet my mom at the garage so we could collect our car. We walked down to the Galway Shopping Centre and we took a look in the Penneys. I spotted the really nice shoes I had seen earlier in the day there again. When I saw them I decided well this must be a sign so I got them and said to myself I can always return them if I really don't like them so I got them and they were €21.. Well by then it was half five so I went over to the garage and met my mom and we went home.

When we got home I tried on my new dress for her and she loved it :D She also liked the new shoes even though I was still a bit iffy about them. We took it easy for the evening then and just watched some TV. I headed to bed around one-ish as I had to be up at quarter to seven on Wednesday :O

On Wednesday I was up early as it was the day that the Leaving Cert results came out. We were able to collect our results from school at nine so my mom and I were on the go early to be up and out. As it happened we were there way to early (we got there at ten past eight) so we had to sit around and wait. Luckily my principle opened the doors a few minutes before nine and so I went in and collected my envelope :) I opened it in the car with my mom and we had a look at my grades and then totted up how many point I got. Overall I was happy enough with my results and I got just short of 500 points :) We shall just have to wait until Monday now to see if I'll have gotten enough to get a place in college.

After we got my results my mom had to go to work. She brought me as far as her work and then I got a bus and walked up home. When I got home I had some tea and biscuits and then I headed up to bed again :P I had intended to try and get some sleep however, I was so busy talking to people and stuff that I was pretty much on my phone for the whole time. I got up and had lunch around three and then I had a shower and got dressed for heading out for dinner. I also wanted to try and so some waves in my hair. I did my best with my curling wand but it didn't really work. At that point I was a few minutes behind and so I got my stuff together and I headed out to get a bus into town.

I got the bus no bother and I headed to Milano where I was meeting my mom and my cousin's wife for a celebratory dinner :) I was the first there, then my mom arrived around half five and then my cousin's wife a couple of minutes later. I ordered dough balls for my starter ad they were really good. For my main course I had a pizza with ham and cheese and I must say I struggled to get threw it was I was filling up fast :P Even though by the end of the main course I was feeling quite stuffed I decided to go ahead an have a dessert anyway :D When we go to Milano I usually get the chocolate fudge cake that is just DIVINE but I just knew I'd never fit it in. In the end I just went with the Honeycomb Cream Slice. It was really nice but it as really just a cheesecake. Everyone else had salads and tea for their desserts.

We hadn't seen my cousin's wife in ages so we had lots to chat about and catch up on so we ended up being there three hours! :D We had a really had a lovely evening. I was happy enough we were there so long even though I was tired but I knew that I was too stuffed to even attempt to walk to the car after all the food :P Anyway I finally made it out of the restaurant and we went home. I was after nine when we got home so we just chilled in front of the TV. I headed to bed around half one and I was wrecked. I fell asleep almost straight away and I only woke once or twice during the night. I finally woke at one o' clock and I was delighted that I had gotten such a great sleep as I felt I really needed it after the early, long days I had earlier on in the week :)

I didn't do much for the rest of the day. I got up around half two or three and I had my breakfast and then I had a Skype session with my besties for almost two hours :D At half four we said our good byes and I went and had a shower and got myself together. I was wearing my black high waisted jeans today and I thought hhmmm I wonder how my new shoes would look in it. I had tried them on the day before but I was still unsure of them. Anyway when I tried them today I liked them much more and after my mom and friends assured me that they were nice I decided to de-tag them and wear them for the evening :)

At half six I headed off with my dad and we just went to visit my nana and then my sister and aunt. I was home again around half eight. My mom and I then headed to the shop and we got a card for my the upcoming birthday of my cousin and while we were there we also got some ice cream. After the shop I went for a practice drive around the place for a half an hour, When we got home it was almost ten  so I jumped into my pjs :P We then dug into the new ice cream and we were well impressed with it :D It was one of the new Cadburys shnazzy ice creams with sweets and stuff in them and it was really good :)

After the ice cream we put the TV on but there was nothing worth watching. Seeing as there was nothing on I said oh this is the perfect time to start a new post and catch up with It's a Rosy World after my few days absent days and sure here we are now :)

So now I think we are all up to date again :D I have no plans for tomorrow, I'm hoping it will be something like today and I can just take it easy for the day, stay in my pjs and maybe watch some movies :)

Well I am going to make myself a little midnight snack now, probably a toastie and then I better be heading up to bed. So night guys, I hop everyone sleeps well and has a good Friday :) Chat later :*

Kate! Xx

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Time to catch up :)

Hey guys,

Ugh it's good to be back! :D I have to say, I have really missed being here over the last few days and I'm so glad to be back now :) Oh exciting stuff :P Hahaha gosh I'm sad really amn't I? XD Ah but sure tis all good fun isn't it :P So now, well I barely remember when I last posted so beware, this is looking to become a long one :P

So my last post was last Thursday so yup I have a good bit to fill you all in on :P Well, Friday was another day of babysitting, first day with parents. Well I was in charge of my niece who is the youngest of the two and so the two of us were up early at half seven. We got up and I changed her and I gave her her breakfast and the a bottle and then by the time I'd managed to do all that it was nine o' clock so it was time to put her down for another snooze so that was all grand :)

When it came to making her bottle I got a bit of a surprise when I opened the steriliser. So the night before my sister and I had loaded it up with bottles and stuff and we threw in one of my niece's teething ring things as I thought that it went into it for the night. However, as I came to find on Friday morning, you do not actually put them in the steriliser as they are made of plastic :P This unfortunately did not dawn on us the night before. When I opened the steriliser on Friday morning I was greeted by a pink blob of melted plastic XD The whole was just ruined and it had burst and everything so then we had to go and do the whole sterilising process all over again  XP So ya, that was quite the blonde moment for sure :P

For the rest of the day everything else went grand and all their stuff survived and was not ruined :P The babies also survived, as did we :D My mom also arrived to us much earlier than we had expected as we thought she wouldn't be with us until around 6, however, she arrived at 2 instead so we had extra hands on deck, and she also came with cake :P

So later in the evening my mom brought my sister who had been babysitting with me to the bus as she had work back at home on Saturday so she had to go. My mom and I managed grand for the rest of the evening and the babies went down to bed grand, thankfully :) After that we just relaxed in front of the tele for a bit and watched our beloved Home and Away and then we decided to hit the hay :D

On Saturday morning my niece didn't wake until half eight so we got an extra hour in bed :D She also slept very well Friday night too as she only woke once around 1 looking for her dodie and then there wasn't a peep out of her again so I was very happy with her :D

We got up anyway and my mom got up with us and gave me a had with her morning routine :) Once the baba went back to bed for a snooze my nephew woke and then we got him all sorted out. Then the two of them were good for us for the rest of the afternoon. Shortly after four o' clock my sister and her husband arrived home. Now we were under the impression that they were going off to the afters of another wedding so we were still in babysitting mode. However, after a while we all came to realise that my sister had forgotten to tell us that they weren't going to the wedding that night an that they were home for good! Well, we all felt as stupid as each other :P Let it be know that communication is key people! :D

So anyways my brother-in-law had a football match that evening so my sister and my nephew went along to the match for awhile :) It was a bit chilly and breezy and my nephew did run out onto the pitch a few times during the match ( :O ) but we had a grand time, It all ended well anyways as my brother-in-laws team won :D When we got home my mom had my niece practically ready for bed. In no time at all it was time for the two babies to go to bed for the night. I was left in charge for a short while as my mom and sister went out for a walk and my brother-in-law had gone out.

While they were out I decided to have a party for myself and I had popcorn and coke and all sorts of goodies after that :D I wasn't holding back :P We all just watched TV for a while when they got back and sure then it was our own bedtime so we headed off. As my sister was home I had a baby-free night with no monitor to be constantly watching so I  had a grand sleep and I slept until quarter twelve :D

My mom wanted to be on the road home fairly early as she had plans so I just got up and dresses and had my breakfast and then we headed for home around one o' clock time :) When we got home my mom was heading out to meet my aunt so I headed up to my room to unpack and chill. I brought my laptop up with me with the intention of working on here on It's a Rosy World, however, that did not happen. Being reunited with my laptop meant I was able to catch up on Facebook and stuff so the time went fairly quick, and I also started to watch the movie The Breakfast Club.

I didn't have time to watch the full thing as I needed to have food and then my mom and I headed to six o' clock mass. After mass I went with my dad for awhile and we just did some visiting :) When I got home I suggested to my mom that we got to Supermacs for some food, and so we did :D I hadn't eaten much during the day so I decided to be greed and have TWO plain burgers and a large chips and it was so worth it! :P We just chilled with the TV for the night and watched the only movie that was on the box which was The Queen, which was alright. As per usual I had a fairly late night, I suppose it was around two o' clock time :P

I was up this morning around eleven as I had to go to town to collect my new retainer that I went to the orthodontist for last week. It all went grand and the new retainer is grand :) At the moment it seems to be the best option as it will keep my teeth the way they are now, even though they have moved. However, maybe in a few years if I have saved enough I can get braces again and re-straighten them :) After I collected my retainer I just went to Boots to get some Vitamin C soluble tablets to take with my iron tablets. I then had a stroll around Penneys before getting the bus home again.

When I got home I set up my laptop as I wanted to finish watching The Breakfast Club, even though I wasn't really feeling it. I threw a wash on and had my lunch and then I finished the movie. I have to say I didn't really enjoy it. I know it's meant to be one of these classic movies but I just didn't really see the point in it :/ My mom had also text me and asked me to boil some bacon so I did that too :)

Our car is kinda out of action at the moment so we didn't get out for a drive this evening but that was alright. We did our usually, we had dinner, watched Home and Away and then we just chilled for the evening :) Oh I also found my diary today as I had forgotten to bring it with my to Scotland so I had been wondering about it's where abouts. I found it last night anyway hiding on the big couch so I got it all filled up and back on track earlier :D

So for tomorrow I need to be up early as I have a driving lesson at quarter to eleven but I need to be up in good time as I have to wash my hair before I head out, ugh. After my lesson I might be meeting up with my cousin in town. Other than that I think that;s about as exciting as my day will be :) Of course I'm sure I'll be spending much of my time thinking about Wednesday as that's when I am getting my Leaving Certificate (final exams) results, but I'll talk more about that tomorrow evening :)

So now, I think we are all up to date once more :D It's good to be back and hopefully I can stay on track now! :) I hope everyone had a good weekend and that you all survived another Monday :P Well, I should really start getting ready to head up to bed now if I want to get some sleep in for tomorrow :P Night now and I shall chat to you all again tomorrow :) :*

Kate! Xx

Thursday 6 August 2015

Just another day :)

Hey guys,

Well can you believe that's Thursday over and done with for another week!? The weather seemed to be so much better today than yesterday. Typical. The day I don't put a foot outside the door and it's lovely. Yesterday when I was making my way around it was pouring. Hhhmmmmm. Anyway, I hope everyone had a good day :)

I had an alright day, pretty busy. I was up at half ten to watch the babies for my sister as she had to go to an appointment. So my babysitting duties started early. We got on grand for the hour that she was gone, thankfully :) The TV is am amazing thing, isn't it? :P When she cam home it was lunch time for the little ones and then it was our turn to eat and watch some Home and Away when they went for their naps :D

I got an hour and a bit all to myself later in the afternoon as my sis and the babies were going out to her friends. I had a few bits to do around the house for her before I could relax. When sat down I was trying to focus on my social media but I had Say Yes to the Dress on the tele in the background, and let's just say, it definitely had more of my attention than either Facebook or Twitter did :P

However, despite the major distraction I did get some stuff done :) When my sis got back she only had a few minutes to feed my niece before she had to go out again to collect my other sister. My sister is going away for the rest of the week to two weddings so we are here to look after the children :) 

I am here for the whole time, my other sis is here until tomorrow evening and my mom is coming down tomorrow evening when she finishes work and she'll be here with me until the wedding go-ers return :) Needless to say, I have a busy few days ahead of me :P

Well after dinner it was all go as my sister had to get ready to go. They got going grand and the babies were fine. The two went down to bed grand after half eight so hopefully they'll remain peaceful for the night :) :P 

Obviously, I have no real plans for tomorrow bar babysitting so I wouldn't expect too much excitement for me :P I imagine I'll be up early with my niece so I suppose I better get moving and ready for bed :) I hope you all have a good night and sleep well :) Night :*

Kate! Xx

A Rainy Day.

Hi guys,

Well it's Wednesday, we're half way there now :) To be honest I think the week is flying by! Someone said earlier that tomorrow's Thursday and I couldn't believe it :O I suppose when there's a long weekend the week always flies :) However, today was fairly depressing with the awful weather :/

I'm having an interesting experience writing this post tonight as I'm doing it on an iPad. I wasn't able to bring my laptop with me and I don't think I'd survive if I had to do this on my phone so I had to go for the iPad :/ I'm so used to being on my laptop when I'm writing/typing, it's so much easier and I can drift between all my stuff easier too, in other words I'm more easily distracted on my laptop :P However, I am being equally distracted tonight as we are watching a movie (The Gambler with Mark Wahlberg) :)

So today was another day full of travels for me. You know I think I've done more travelling this summer than I have anything else. Anyway so yup I had another slightly early start this morning. I set my alarm for half nine and then for ten, however, I could barely keep my eyes open and I didn't really need to be up that early so I stayed in bed until half ten :D After that I was fairly moving to get all my stuff together and get myself out the door for around quarter to twelve. I left my house at ten to twelve so I was pretty impressed with that achievement :P

I was kinda dreading the walk to the bus as I had my gear bag to carry and it was heavy. However, it wasn't too bad but I think that may have been because my should was gone a bit numb :P I had to leave that bit earlier because I had to stop into the pharmacy on the way to the bus stop to collect my prescription and iron tablets. I tried to give myself a good bit of time for going in there because they can be quite slow in there. Thankfully they were quiet and so I was only in there about 5 minutes. I was feeling really lucky then as just when I got to the bus stop the bus just came round the corner so I was delighted :D

When I got to town it was twenty five past twelve and so I had a few minutes to spare as my dentist appointment wasn't until quarter to one. I decided to go into Penneys to check and see if I could spot those grey denim jeans j had been looking for. Once again though I left empty handed. I then went to Dunnes Stores and got myself a new pair of slippers, pink ones of course and they cost €5 :P At this point it was twenty five to one so I made my way to the dentist.

I was going to the dentist/orthodontist as a few weeks ago my bottom retainer broke and at the time I didn't have a chance to go and get it fixed. Unfortunately since I left it so long my teeth moved :( So the new ortho I went to today took a mould of my teeth and is making me a new plastic retainer. I'll be collecting it on Monday.

I was finished at the orthodontist around five past one and my bus was at ten last two so I decided that I would go and get some lunch. I headed to my favourite spot in town to go, McCambridges :) As there pretty always is there, there was quite a queue waiting for tables. It's such a popular place and it's no wonder really as they really do do the best stuff there :D I was waiting a little under ten minutes for my table. It was nearly half one so I ordered straight away. I got myself some earl grey tea and two slices of toast and it was the perfect little fill up :) I had it pretty snappy as time was not on my side at this point. I paid for food which cost €4.10 and then went on my way.

Now this is when things turned for the worst. I got out of McCambridges and it was pouring rain. The streets were covered in water so in no time at all my shoes were weighed down with the water. Apart from my shoes my gear bag and myself were soon saturated. I was not a happy chappy. As I was making my way to the bus station I was debating with myself as to whether or not I should make a quick pit stop in Penneys to pick up a cheap pair of shoes that I could change into. I decided to go for it but sadly the queue in there was way too long to wait in so I had to put back the shoes I had picked up and make pace for the bus station. At this stage it was still pouring down and I was saturated.

I got to the bus station just in the nick of time at two o' clock. I then went and got my ticket from the ticket machine. I got a student single ticket that cost €15. I then went and got on the bus just in time. I didn't even have time to got the toilet! :O I then went and got a seat and tried to make myself as comfortable as possible baring in mind I was drenched. Then to top everything off, once we left the station the traffic was heavy everywhere around town :( We cleared the traffic anyways after a few minutes and then we were cruising for the next two hours. I finally arrived in Sligo at twenty past four and my sister collected me :)

We didn't do anything for the evening, just had dinner and watched some TV and of course spent time with the babies :) I have no plans for tomorrow, or for the next few days for that matter as I am here to babysit.  Obviously as I won't be leading an interesting life I probably won't be very lively or have enough to fill a a post so please forgive me. However, I'll do my best to keep in touch on Facebook and Twitter during the days :)

Well it's time to hit the hay now as I'll have another early start with the babies :P I'll chat to ye all soon :) Goodnight  :*

Kate! Xx

Wednesday 5 August 2015

A Girly Day Out :)

Hey guys,

Happy Tuesday :) I hope you all had a good day and that you didn't get blown or washed away :P The weather was pretty bad here yesterday evening and through the night. There was a bit of flooding around the place and it was VERY windy. Thankfully, it was better today, no rain (yay!) but it was still quite gusty #windswept

I had a really good day today :D I was up early enough this morning, around quarter to ten. I was meeting one of my friends (Chloe, from Chloe's Ensemble Blog - we could head to our other friends house for a visit. She had a fairly major surgery almost a month ago and we hadn't seen her since she went home from hospital and also it was her birthday last week too so we wanted to see her :)

As my OOTD I was originally thinking of wearing a dress, however, after seeing the weather I decided to wear my black high waisted jeans from Penneys that I go a few weeks ago, a grey t-shirt I got in Penneys last summer and I just threw on my new light denim jacket that I got two weeks ago, which is also from Penneys :P #Penneysfinest

We arrived at her house around 12.30 and stayed until 2.30. We just chilled together, listened to some music, attempted to watch a movie (Spy) but we got distracted (:P) and of course we had a good laugh (snapchat was busy :P) :D However, we had to leave again around 2.20 so we could get the bus down the road from her house at 2.30. We got to the bus in grand time and then we made our way to the G Hotel for some (more :P) afternoon tea :D

As the bus had to stop in town for a few minutes we arrived at the G shortly after 3 :) We took a wander through to see which lounges were free and to decide which one to occupy :) to our surprise two of the three lounges were completely empty! :O We choose to sit in the cream 'Grand Salon' room, in the same spot I was in with my mom yesterday :P There were a few other people enjoying themselves in there too.

We made ourselves comfortable, took a look through the menus and made of choices as to what to have, We decided that we were going to make an occasion of it and go all out :D I went with a plain scone, a pot of earl grey tea, a bowl of chips and a virgin mojito :D Chloe decided she too would have the plain scone and she had a cappuccino to go with it. Whilst waiting on our food I decided to be very blogger-y and takes pics of the magnificent interior for this post :P I only took pics of the lounge we were in but next time I'm there I'll try to take more diverse pics :) Anyways, the scones came out lovely and hot (once again :D) and instead of a little brownie as usual, our tea/cappuccino came with little mini buns topped with some kind of icing and a fancy edible thing and they were so cute and tasty :)

We scavenged away happily on our delicious lunch as we had worked up quite the appetite :P We were stuffed when we finally finished our food. At this point even though the day was very windy the sun had come out. As we were sitting by the floor to ceiling windows, we started to feel the heat very quickly. In no time at all with the sun hitting us directly and it felt like we were in a glass house. We were ready to melt! Thankfully, the staff were on top of things fairly rapid and the electric blinds were lower and the air conditioning was turned on, to our delight :P

Returning to our regulars temperatures, we got back to lavishing ourselves as Chloe decided that she too would go all out and joined me in having a virgin mojito :D The were lovely and refreshing and great for cooling us down after the heat of the sun. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves but as the saying goes 'all good things must end' so around half four we decided to part ways with our beloved spot and head to town. Altogether our lunch cost about €33. My order cost a little over €17 and Chloe's a little over €14 :) We had a fabulously great afternoon there, as we always do :)

Even though it was blustery we decided to walk to town from the G as it is only a 15 minute walk. We could have gotten a bus. however, that would have cost €2 for a journey that would only have lasted about 2 minutes so we decided to take to our feet :)

We reached town around ten to five and we only had two places in mind that we need to go to; Penneys and Boots. However, we needed to be cautious of our time as Chloe had to catch her bus at 6. We went to Penneys first as we figured that would be where we would be spending most of our time. I was on the look out for a pair of fab greyish denim high waisted shorts I had spotted in their Castlebar store, but unfortunately I didn't spot them :(

Chloe on the other hand was quite more successful. She really wanted to find a jumper she had seen online, however when we did find it it was too pink for her and she decided to leave it. She also picked up some sports/work out gear and a yoga mat.

For ages I have been meaning to get a hairbrush for my handbag as the wind always messes up my hair so I decided to pick myself up one while we were in Penneys :P It had a really cute design and it's light and seems strong which is what I want as my hair is thick and when the wind gets at it, its a knot fest, so I didn't want something that was going to fall apart when I try to put it through my hair :P But I gave this one a go when I got home and it worked grand :) Both my hair and the brush survived the event so it gets my seal of approval :D It was only €3 so I was happy out :)

I also spotted these pink facial sponges, and obviously because they are pink they were a must have, and a steal at just €1 for a two pack! :P :D However, I did actually need them as I do have two normal yellow ones (which I believe were €4 from where ever they were bought) but they are both in need of cleaning and my mom reckons these sponges are easier on the skin than muslin cloths which I previously used, so I said yup I'll use these :) I'll be putting them to use tonight so hopefully they'll be good :D

After our session in Penneys we made our way to Boots where Chloe just needed one thing, so that was a quick visit. At this stage it was twenty to six so we said it was time to head for the bus. I left Chloe at her bus stop where her bus had just pulled into when we got to it, and we said our goodbyes :) I then hopped on my bus and headed for home. It was nearly seven by the time I got home as the traffic was heavy :/

After watching our daily fix of Home and Away (we LOVE H&A <3) my mom and I went for a drive. Well it was a practice drive for me as we haven't been out in ages so it was good to get back into it :) I've been learning to drive now since Easter and I really like it :) I have ten of the twelve compulsory lessons done that you have to do before you can apply for your test, so nearly there :) After that it was relaxing time as it was nine o' clock.

That was around the time I started this post and as you can now tell I did take a few breaks but personally, I think it's impossible to sit down and write a post in one sitting! For me, although writing in one go would be really efficient, I just never have the time/chance to do that and I think I might lose my mind or something :P

Anyways, one of those breaks included me packing my bag as I am heading to Sligo tomorrow afternoon for a few days :) Let's just say, once again, my bag weighs an absolute tonne, I hope my shoulder doesn't like break or dislocate while I'm carting it around. Before I get the bus though I have an appointment with the dentist/orthodontist.

I had braces about five or six years ago and when I got them I off I got retainers to wear, which I have done so religiously every night for the last five years :P Unfortunately, when I got back from my trip to Sunderland a few weeks ago my bottom retainer broke :( I was really busy at the time, my friends were in hospital and I was working so I didn't have time to get to my old orthodontist. As a result of my delay and time without my retainer, my bottom teeth have moved D: My old orthodontist can't see me until the end of August so I am going to see a new guy tomorrow that my mom has been to so hopefully he can sort me out :)

So now I think I've said just about everything that's possible about my day today :) I am off now to try and do some wavy stuff with my hair, so hopefully that works out :P Better be heading to bed then as I have another early enough start tomorrow :)

So I shall love ye and leave ye for another night and I shall chat to ye tomorrow :D Night all :*

Kate! Xx